def write_csv_file(path, head, data): try: with open(path, 'w') as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file, dialect='excel') if head is not None: writer.writerow(head) for row in data: writer.writerow(row) print("Write a CSV file to path %s Successful." % path) except Exception as e: print("Write an CSV file to path: %s, Case: %s" % (path, e))
该问题解决方法:在open()内增加一个参数newline='' 即可,更改后代码结构如下:def write_csv_file(path, head, data): try: with open(path, 'w', newline='') as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file, dialect='excel') if head is not None: writer.writerow(head) for row in data: writer.writerow(row) print("Write a CSV file to path %s Successful." % path) except Exception as e: print("Write an CSV file to path: %s, Case: %s" % (path, e))